бібліотека висловлює щиру подяку професору, доктору мед. наук,
кафедри фізичної реабілітації, спортивної медицини, фізичного виховання і здоров’я ЗДМУ Михалюку
Євгену Леонідовичу
за подарований бібліотеці навчальний посібник.
The scientific papers presented research sports medicine issues, revealing the social aspects of the development of diseases in low physical activity, the need for medical supervision to preserve the health of students, the influence of exercise on the female body. Important issues are discussed in the works devoted to methodological problems of research of athletes, as well features of the cardiovascular system in elite athletes and sports veterans.
medicine: problems and prospects : scientific papers / ed. in S78 chief O.
Romanchuk. — Odessa : Yurydychna literatura, 2017. — 92 p.
The scientific papers presented research sports medicine issues, revealing the social aspects of the development of diseases in low physical activity, the need for medical supervision to preserve the health of students, the influence of exercise on the female body. Important issues are discussed in the works devoted to methodological problems of research of athletes, as well features of the cardiovascular system in elite athletes and sports veterans.
scientific papers will be useful to sociologists, sports physiologists,
cardiologists, sports doctors.
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