понедельник, 13 ноября 2017 г.

Бібліотека вдячна

Наукова бібліотека висловлює щиру подяку професору, доктору мед. наук, кафедри загальної гігієни та екології ЗДМУ Гребняку Миколі Петровичу за подарований бібліотеці навчальний посібник.

   Medical Ecology in terms, schemes, tables and tests / M. P. Grebnyak, S. A. Shchudro, R. A. Fedorchenko [et all].  - Dnipro: Accent PP, 2017. - 204 p.

Textbook is focused on the main challenges of science and practice in the modem medical environment. The textbook is structured into the following sections: "Medical ecology in terms," "Medical Ecology in the schemes", "Medical Ecology in the tables", "Medical Ecology in the tests."
Priorities of medical ecology as medical and biological discipline and medical knowledge aimed at maintaining and promoting health through environmental protection. Much attention is paid to optimizing the physical factors of the environment, geopathic zones, state of the biosphere and Endoecology. Medical Ecology should be focused on a vital importance of the numerous environmental factors in the trofological branch of science. It had been determined scientific approaches to providing medical population in ecologically altered environment.
Textbook is recommended for students of the higher educational institutions III-IV level of accreditation and doctors.

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